We’ve received a wonderful write up from the Fifty Plus Northants Adventure Club (http://www.fiftyplusnorthantsadventureclub.org.uk) for a murder mystery evening that we performed for them earlier this year:
Murder Mystery Evening – Chris and Frank Jenkins
Our first mystery of the evening was…..Have we mislaid the tickets or weren’t there any? Our second was “where is Stanion village hall?” (We had left the SAT NAV at home). Having overcome these difficulties we ventured to our second ever 50+ event. Our first had been the fabulous barn dance in January.
Once we found the hall we were soon introduced to Sarah who had lost her mother through cancer six months earlier; Grahame, a gay writer; Michelle, whose husband had numerous affairs and had recently learnt that he had an illegitimate daughter; James who had recently lost hundreds of thousands of pounds after being defrauded by his accountant; Martin, a welder with a passion for the amateur theatre and Claire, a secretary with a dubious background. Could these really be members of the 50+ adventure club? After all it was our daughter who had bought us membership for Christmas so we didn’t know a lot about the club’s background!
No! These were all the members of the cast in a super evening of real life Cluedo. We met some lovely members of 50+ club who were grouped in five teams of eight. One character at a time we quizzed the possible murderer and as a team unpicked their background to try to solve the murder crime. The winning team is pictured. Their prizes of magnifying glasses and Agatha Christie books will ensure that they are even more “clued up” the next time the event is run.
Thank you to everyone for making us so welcome and for making the night such fun and to Thrapston Amateur Dramatic Group (TADS) https://tadsthrapston.org.uk for acting out the parts so well. Chris and I look forward to many more 50+ events, especially the trip to Snowdonia in May.